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Meet Stained Glass NFT

by Glass Glitter Studio

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Pipe-Dream Aperture

What are we about?

Collectibles hand-illustrated NFT that come with physical stained glass art pieces. Aim to preserve art in both old and new ways. Create value in both worlds by introducing modern to ancient, mixing it up and spreading it out into the metaverse.

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What will
you get?

Genesis collection

  • Original NFT


The ultimate originals are all hand-illustrated and frame-by-frame animated in 2D style. 88 pieces divided into 4 Generations of 22. Each gen is different in genre art, It is consist of 15 common 10/10 editions, 4 rare 5/5 editions, 2 ultra-rare 1/1 edition and 1 legendary 1/1 edition.



By minting, NFT will be recreated into the physical stained glass art piece, handcrafted carefully.  Moreover, it serves as POA (Proof-of-Appreciation)


For 1/1 Ultra-rare and Legendary, physical will be sent in the following 8-12 weeks, or be held to show in an exhibition along with Common and Rare, if the owner allowed.

Good thing take time.

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Physical work

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Be with us

Please get in touch for more information, to discuss possible collaborations, or for any media inquiries.

Thanks for submitting!

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